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Unveiling Ceremony of Sinoma and Launching Ceremony of Sinoma Technical Equipment (Hefei) Research Institute Successfully Held

On February 16, the unveiling ceremony of Sinoma Group and the Launching Ceremony of Sinoma Technical Equipment (Hefei) Research Institute were successfully held in Hefei, Anhui. Zhou Yuxian, party secretary and chairman of CNBM, party secretary and chairman of China National Building Material Co., Ltd., Wei Rushan, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of CNBM Group, deputy party secretary and director of China National Building Material Co., Ltd., Zhao Ming, vice mayor of Hefei Municipal Government; Liu Yan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China National Building Material Co., Ltd., party secretary and chairman of CNBM International; Ma Zhenzhu, party secretary and chairman of China Building Materials Academy, Jiang Yu, party secretary and chairman of Huatai United Securities; Zhu Bing, director and vice president of CNBM International, pa⛎rty secretary and chairman of Sinoma Technical Equipment (Hefei) Research Institute, and He Xiaolong, vice president of CNBM International and chairman of Sinoma Technical Equipment (Tianjin) Research Institute attended the ceremony and pressed the start button.


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