

致米乐m6 集团全体干部员工及家属的一封信

来源:集团办公室   发布时间:2024-02-20




卯兔辞旧岁,辰龙迎元宵佳节。将至迷失老历新年活动将至迷失,谨向国际公司通体乡镇领导人员在职工作人员及死者家属谨祝诚心诚意祝愿和元宵佳节祝福语言,向新春期間职守职业及驻守淘宝的广大青年乡镇领导人员在职工作人员谨祝崇高理想尊敬和由衷表示感谢!2026年是全面性贯彻执行党的二八大精力的娱乐竞技之时,是集团官网高品高质量高品质不断发展极不一样、极凹凸凡的一年时间下来。总结ppt过去了的一年时间下来,事业上的充斥坚辛,问题来之不会轻易。纯体乡镇干部业务人员积极态度要对繁重繁多的外链室内环境,团结互助的努力奋斗、磨砺砥砺,经历英语了风霜雨雪熏陶,计较了不小的努力,向党的领导夺回了份新的篇章的问题单。星空不间跋山涉水人,文化应归发奋者。某种年,米乐m6 追求稳中求进,全心大力提质增强药效稳持续性时间增长,营业财报稳中稳中求进,房产格局持续性时间升级优化。米乐m6 凸起方式带动,绘就“1254”加数化改变和“国内外三年重塑”新宏伟蓝图,翠绿色环保升高品质更足。米乐m6 突破特色化会战,以“国之大材”保驾护航“国之重器”,承担起一大批我国主要米乐m6 攻关主线任务,攻陷一大批“卡脖颈”技能。米乐m6 锐意扎实推进改草改草,高出发点推进改草扎实推进改草升高攻坚战,好选为新建市场首屈一指示范校各个企业,全心大力建造满电充满热情的当今新民营企业。米乐m6 持续性时间强根铸魂,在深学细悟笃行中提高奋勇前进魔力,以优质化理量党建工作带动保驾护航优质化理量升高。沉旬的答题,蕴涵着集团公司各部行业实业集团报国志、材料强国之路的扎实爱国心,的记录着30万国大家居建筑装饰材料人顽强拼搏、只争朝夕的脚踏式此次意志。不驰于空想、不骛于虚声,保持志向坦荡“好几个服务大局”、心向“国之大者”,保持脚踏式此次、永往直前,保持凝聚力区域合作、公正舍己为人精神,他是米乐m6 202几年按份共有的故事故事和的心声。岁月飞逝、四时轮转。在新网络的磅礴新的篇章中,米乐m6 两个人温情,暴奋勇向前,伸脚步勘界祖国妈妈江山和全球排名市場,把“志向坦荡九州”的豪情壮志壮志挥洒汗水在“地区一路上”世纪舞台表演;米乐m6 矢志不渝,向新而行,用勤勉的手指按份共有描写做大做强做优做大的气势磅礴画轴,托举着t加速奔向世纪一流大学行业的光彩与我的梦想。平庸彰显革命事业,感激每位学习的国大家居建筑装饰材料人!乘风破浪启新程,共促共进创明天。2025年是中华香烟老百姓共合国注册75周年庆典,是进行“十四五六”设计方案阶段目标主线任务的的关键3年,也是群提高推进栽培新质产生力、定制现如今化加工业机制的加大点不惑之年。在新的3年里,要米乐m6 贯彻始终“板材创造自己迷人宇宙”的企业公司初心,升级重点家居建材和策略性新兴起来加工业两端加大点,付出频频提升“五点商业价值”,频频明显增强重点工作、增强重点竞争与合作力,全力普写提高推进基本建设宇宙1流板材加工业的投资群的新格局!龙腾中原,逐梦而行。新的每年,我会们紧跟形势开新局,凝心致力再开,抖擞生龙活虎的奉献精神,激励龙腾虎跃的恢宏,朝着各自的最终目标凝心致力、笃行不怠,以优质化量转型的新成级为全面推进华人式現代化据此更高业绩。希望祖国发展复兴宏达、民安国泰!希望与会人员基层干部公司职员及死者家属新春佳节乐趣、顺遂安康!






Spring Festival's GreetingAll cadres, employees and family members of China National Building Material (CNBM) Group:The Year of the Rabbit is fading and the Year of the Dragon is coming. With the approaching of the Chinese Spring Festival, we would like to extend our sincere greetings and best wishes to you, and express our lofty respect and heartfelt thanks to all the staff staying on posts both at home and abroad during this festive season!The year 2023 marked the opening chapter in thoroughly implementing the guiding principles set forth at the 20th CPC National Congress. It was also an extraordinary and crucial year for CNBM's high-quality development. Looking back on the past year, our endeavors have been arduous and achievements hard-won. Despite the daunting external challenges, all CNBM cadres and staff have actively responded, remained united, and persevered through adversity with unwavering determination. By overcoming obstacles and putting in extraordinary effort, we have presented the Party and nation with proud results.As the stars guide unwavering travelers, behind our achievements are tireless efforts. In the past year, we steadfastly pursued progress while ensuring stability, focused on enhancing quality and efficiency to deliver steady growth, and continuously improved our business performance and structure of industries. To provide strategic guidance, we charted new blueprints for the "1-2-5-4" digital transformation and "developing overseas business equivalent to the current size of CNBM in about 10 years" with higher content of green, low-carbon development. We intensified innovation drives, supported the nation's major projects as a "Pillar of the Material Industry," undertook key national research tasks, and provided solutions to stranglehold technologies. We resolutely deepened reforms, took ambitious actions for implementing reforms, successfully entered the list of Potential World-Class Model Enterprises, and made all possible efforts to build a vibrant, modern state-owned enterprise. We kept strengthening our foothold and tempering our spirit, motivating power through deep study and understanding paired with steadfast action, and leading and safeguarding high-quality development through high-quality Party-building efforts.These remarkable results brim with the group companies' deep dedication to serving the nation through industrial development and leadership in materials, testifying to the indomitable drive for progress day and night of 200,000 CNBMers. Not indulging in pipe dreams or empty talk, we always bear in mind the "two big pictures" and the nation's great undertakings; always stay grounded and forge ahead; always cooperate selflessly for the greater cause -- this is the story and ethos we shared in 2023. Time flies, and the world is ready to embrace a new season's beauty. On the journey in a new era, we will stand together through trials and tribulations, and our footsteps will leave indelible imprints on our homeland and global markets. With unwavering determination, we will pursue our aspirations while "embracing the world" along the "Belt and Road" and across the global stage. Committed to growing stronger, better, and larger together, we will forge ahead with unwavering resolve while hoisting up the banner of excellence and the dream of becoming a world-class enterprise. The path to greatness is paved with countless small steps. We are inspired by the dedication and passion of every striving CNBMer!Weaving through the tides and conquering the crests, let us join hands and march towards a brighter future. 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, a crucial year for fulfilling the "14th Five-Year Plan" targets, and a year for CNBM to accelerate cultivating new production forces and building a modern industrial system. Guided by our mission of "Better Materials Better World", let us strengthen our presence in both the materials fields and strategic emerging industries to improve our "five values" in the coming year. We will continuously enhance our core capacities and competitiveness, striving to compose a new chapter on accelerating the building of a truly world-class comprehensive materials investment group with global competitiveness!In the auspicious year of the Dragon, China takes flight. Let us march towards our dreams. In this new year, let us seize the momentum to start anew and unite our minds to set off again. With indomitable vigor and drive, let us rally towards our shared goals with perseverance and diligence and make greater contributions towards advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics with new achievements of high-quality development. Wish our motherland prosperity and peace in the New Year. Wish each and all of you and your family health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year!

Chairman   &⛄nbsp;         &꧋nbsp;   

General Manager 

February 8, 2024

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